Nadine Eiring is a New York City Department of Education principal candidate. In the course of a career spanning 25 years, Nadine Eiring has served in leadership roles with a range of schools, both public and private. School leadership requires strong management skills, including in the area of conflict resolution.
In the case of a style or personality conflict between faculty or staff, administrators should adhere to the following practices:
1. Make all elements of the situation clear. Administrators need teachers and paraprofessionals to be on the same page, in terms of both the problem and the expectations. If a conflict causes difficulties in the classroom, teachers need to know that improvement is expected.
2. Encourage those involved in the conflict to solve the problem themselves. While administrators can serve as mediators and sounding boards for potential solutions, the onus is on those party to the conflict to find an agreeable solution.
3. Maintain confidentiality. Any decisions or conversations must be kept on a need-to-know basis.
In the case of a style or personality conflict between faculty or staff, administrators should adhere to the following practices:
1. Make all elements of the situation clear. Administrators need teachers and paraprofessionals to be on the same page, in terms of both the problem and the expectations. If a conflict causes difficulties in the classroom, teachers need to know that improvement is expected.
2. Encourage those involved in the conflict to solve the problem themselves. While administrators can serve as mediators and sounding boards for potential solutions, the onus is on those party to the conflict to find an agreeable solution.
3. Maintain confidentiality. Any decisions or conversations must be kept on a need-to-know basis.